Meet the Artist

Artist Bio

Hello and welcome to my corner of the creative world. My name is Sarah Furrow but my friends, family and the artist world knows me as Sarah Rose. I am the self-taught artist responsible for all the creations here.

I have worked with many mediums over the years including jewelry making, acrylic painting, watercolor painting, drawing and general crafting. You may see those mediums here though you will see a lot more pyrography.

We are born into this society that is constantly moving at a rapid pace. Before you know it, you find yourself unable to slow down. One of the many things I love about pyrography is that you have no choice but to slow down. Don’t get me wrong I love every medium but there is something special about pyrography. The heat from the pen, smell of wood burning, the required patience and mindfulness, and the finished texture under my fingertips is nothing less than magical. Creating pyrography art soothes my mind and soul while keeping me grounded.

I was born and raised in Raleigh County, WV and am currently raising my own family in Putnam County, WV. One of the most important things to me as a mother is to ensure my children know they are loved and supported in anything they do. I want them to dream big and chase that dream no matter what. I want them to love who they are and what they do. This is why I believe it is so important for them to see me chasing my dreams. As their mother it is my great honor and responsibility to set the example for them.

What I hope you take away from my studio is an appreciation of all the beauty nature provides, inspiration, empowerment, and a piece of art that makes you smile.


My mission

It is my desire to share art that will bring you joy. I hope to inspire and empower others through my art and my journey. I intend to share fashionable and functionable art. I will hold tight to the best version of myself so that I set a great example for my children and anyone else watching my season of growth. I will lead with compassion, love, and grace. I will share my journey in hopes it will inspire others. This tiny corner of mine will serve as a place for art, community, support, and friendship.